Archive for April, 2009

Bisexual Story… Sex Evolution

Reinventing gayness…

People nowadays are becoming more and more aware to issues concerning third world (not the poor country, you idiot), the gay people.

The common mindset of people before whenever they heard the term ‘bakla’ would be those ‘parloristas’ or those joining beaucon for gays.

As time passes, this mindset would soon be leveled to as the dinosaurs, meaning ‘gone’.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing at any given time, these gay people would always be present. It is not that they wanted you to notice them, but the world is evolving. These people are getting smarter and braver to face their so called ‘pink life’, thus coming out of the closet.

But this evolution is not limited to ‘straight’ people changing colors. Neither, it is limited to being a proud individual fighting for they think is right.

Evolution involves not only the people but also evolution of terms. Terms that generally define gay people, but differ in usage and personality.


This is the most commonly used and misused term of all. About 97 % of gay people nowadays are claiming they are bisexuals. Of which, only about 5% are true-blooded bi’s. The remaining would fight for the rights and won’t accept they are gay, will insist they are bi’s. Well I call you pathetic.

As defined, bisexuals would refer to those individual with dual gender personality, both should be present emotionally, physically, sexually and any –lly on a 50-50 basis. Yes, a slight difference would be acceptable.

However, this is not the case. Since bisexuality is becoming more famous to pink community, everyone would love to belong. Drag queens turning bisexuals. Parloristas turning bisexuals. Title holder turning bisexuals. Professionals turning bisexuals. And the list continues.

Usually, a self-proclaimed bisexual would prefer someone of his league, another self-proclaimed bisexual. Mind to answer why?

me: Are you gay?

him: Nope

me: What are you?
him: Im bi

Another issue concerning this group is that a self-proclaimed bisexual would have an ideal individual as partner. Most of the time, self-proclaimed bisexual people are the most discriminating type of gay. And the sad part is, discrimination happens within the pink community.


I still don’t have an idea where this came from. A tripper would claim he’s not gay and that he is only tripping sexually, no strings attached. Well I wonder what happiness they can get doing the ‘gay’ thing. If you like singing a lot, you can be a good singer. If you excel in engineering, you will soon build a strong community. If traveling is one of your passions, soon you’ll conquer the world. And if it is your ‘trip’ doing the stuff the gay people do, what will you become???

Please continue….

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